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Student Admissions

Curious about UC Merced? This interactive digital publication takes a look at the surrounding area, programs led by our world-class faculty, and so much more.


Athletics and Wellness


Research Tools and Technology


Centers & Institutes

The University of California is paving the way for innovative and impactful research. The following interdisciplinary research institutes and centers provide the nexus through which faculty members affiliate to conduct in-depth investigations into a variety of societally relevant scientific topics.


Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society
NSF Center for Cellular and Biomolecular Machines
Sierra Nevada Research Institute
Merced Nanomaterials Center for Energy and Sensing
Environmental Analytical Laboratory
Health Sciences Research Institute
Health Disparities Center
Alliance for Child and Family Health and Development
Center for the Humanities
Spatial Analysis and Research Center


Core Facilities

As the newest campus in the venerable University of California system and the first major research university to be built in the 21st century, UC Merced boasts a collection of modern, state-of-the-art research facilities, equipment and other resources.


Campus Resources and Support Services


On Campus Services